Billy was born 121852. He was 56 years of age when he lost his fight with cancer on Wednesday 9209. He is survived by his brothers and sisters: Patricia Kenneth Loggins of Conroe, Melvin and Gina Douglas of Conroe, Marva Norman Roan of Beaumont, Mary Rodney Richard of Nederland, Mark Kathleen Douglas of Groves. His nieces and nephews quothis childrenquot: Cathy, Kevin, Heather, Karre, Martin, William, Danielle, Mark Jr., Patrick, Carrie, Misty, Natalie and Mary. Great nieces and nephews: Cassie, Jon, Michael, Rani, Dekota, Dillion, Joshua, Christina, Kyle, Ashley, Payton, Olivia, Emily and Parker.His extended family: the Pea Patch and Babe Zaharias Golf Courses.He was preceded in death by his parents: Marvin Douglas Francis Colvin Douglas. Brother: Marvin Jr, Nephew: Michael.The memorial service will be held at the Morning Star Church, 3515 Main Avenue, Groves, Texas 77619 on Saturday, September 5th, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.Family has asked for funeral donations in Lieu of Flowers. They can be sent to Morning Star Church.